As followers of Jesus and his gospel of reconciliation, we long for peace, security, justice, and flourishing of all people living in Israel-Palestine, including Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The Palestinian people have suffered injustices, violence, and humiliation, including the Crusades, colonialism, and - since 1967 - life under Israeli military occupation and in refugee camps throughout the Middle East. The Jewish people have suffered violence, often at the hands of western Christians, including the Inquisition, pogroms, and the atrocities of the Holocaust. Jews continue to experience antisemitism and violence in many countries today.

The suffering of these two groups has too often been set one against the other. We recognize, rather, that the legacy of Jewish suffering is intertwined with the suffering of Palestinians. The establishment of the state of Israel displaced hundreds of  thousands of Palestinians, who remain refugees, and failed to provide genuine equality for those who remained. The continued threat to the security of Jewish people around the world has been used to justify the oppressive military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza since 1967. As Canadians, as Christians, and as Mennonites, we share responsibility in the harms done to Jews and Palestinians. As we acknowledge our own complicity in this web of violence, injustice, and suffering, we will strive - by God’s grace - to take concrete steps to address these wrongs.  

God’s love unites and strengthens us. We strive to follow Christ’s example in the way of peace, doing justice, bringing reconciliation in the face of violence and warfare. Nonparticipation in and criticism of oppressive institutions has always been an important part of our history, especially conscientious objection to war. Mennonites have been present in Israel-Palestine for more than 65 years, responding to humanitarian need, supporting sustainable development, advocating for justice, supporting reconciliation, and nurturing long-standing relationships. Will you join us in finding new ways to act together—to demand a ceasefire and work for peace and justice?

For more information about Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA positions on the situation in Palestine and Israel, please see the following links:

(Updated) MC Canada PIN statement on Gaza - Mennonite Church Canada

Call to Action — Mennonite Action

MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) - Palestine and Israel

MCC Statement on Gaza