Donate Now

We give in response to our generous God. Everyone has something to share and something to receive. There are several ways to make a financial gift to support the ministry of HMC.

Give Online

To donate online through CanadaHelps, click the donate now button. You will receive an immediate tax receipt via email, and CanadaHelps will send your donation to us. You can make a one-time donation or choose the monthly donation option which blesses the church with steady and predictable giving.


If you bank online, you can email funds to You will receive an annual receipt and thank-you letter in January.

Pre-authorized giving

Use this form for Pre-Authorized monthly donations, another way to bless the church with steady and predictable donations. Please send the form to

Offering in worship

Even though much of our giving has moved online since the pandemic, we continue to celebrate the offering in our Sunday worship service. HMC supports ministry locally, nationally and internationally. On the first Sunday of each month, we collect money for the Welcome Inn Food Bank here in Hamilton.

Special Projects

Our church supports newcomer families, as well as other special and seasonal projects. Our Advent giving project marked by children adding ornaments to the tree is probably the highlight.

Gifts of Stocks and Bequests

Please contact our friends at Abundance Canada to find out how to make gifts of stocks, set up a gifting account or leave a gift in your will.

We thank God for your generosity!

Donate Now