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Back in May, when many of us would usually gather at the MCC Relief Sale in New Hamburg, Pastor Alissa signed up to do a dispersed version of the fundraiser that usually kicks off that day - the Run for Relief. Except she planned it as a "Ride for Isolation Relief", covering 30km and making lots of HMC porch visits. A health obstacle gave her a bit of a detour for a few months, but finally, on September 4, the Ride for Relief happened! And this time the distance stretched further across the lower city, reaching 20 of our HMC kids to deliver the backpack tags and laptop/water bottle/notebook stickers of blessing for the start of a new school year.

With the help of HMCers, Pastor Alissa raised $1462 for Mennonite Central Committee, and had a lot of fun riding around and seeing lots of familiar faces, some for the first time in person in 6 months. Thanks to everyone who gave a warm porch welcome!