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Hamilton Mennonite Church celebrates the diversity at the heart of God, diversity which can be mirrored in the Church when we boldly love, unconditionally welcome, and riskily step out into the new places we are invited.

During Pride month, we remember these words we share as a Church:

"Hamilton Mennonite Church welcomes all to join in our vision of sharing God’s grace and living Christ’s peace. As followers of Jesus in the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition, we believe that all people have been created in the image of God. We are called around one table in celebration of our unity in Christ within our diversity of age, race, ethnicity, ability, marital status, economic status, religious background, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression.

Together we seek to love God and love our neighbour, believing that we can do this through our differences. As one body with many members, we embrace the ministry of reconciliation to which God has called us in Christ. All people are encouraged to participate in the life and ministry of our church, and all are welcome in our journey of sharing God’s grace and living Christ’s peace."

A prayer for Pride Month

God of love and light and life,
We come to you because we want to embody your love.
We come to you because we need you to light our way.
We come to you because we seek to live our lives in you.
Thank you for each LGBTQ+ sibling in faith, among us and around us.
Thank you for the rainbow gifts of queerness to your Church and to your world.
As we build diverse community together, in your image,
we ask that you call each of us by name, so that we might follow.
Show us the kaleidoscope of your grace,
colourful, beautiful, and always giving us new perspectives.
Lead us toward the horizon of your love,
always just a little further, a little wider, a little beyond what we thought we knew.
Open our hands to the wind of your Spirit,
felt but uncontrollable,
trusted but undefinable,
around us and within our very breath.
We release ourselves to you,
to your Spirit,
to your love,
to your grace,
and pray that we might be witnesses of your Spirit,
agents of your love,
and instruments of your grace
now and in the days to come.
We pray all of this, and all of our unspoken prayers within us, in Jesus’ name.