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This fall we'll hear “Moments for Mission” in worship that describe how our church committees help us engage in the mission of God. Most committees will look for new members in January. If you are curious about contributing your gifts, talk with Council Vice Chair Susan Dueckman or ask questions of the current members (listed in the directory).  

So, what do they do?

Education Committee plays a big role in our life-long formation as followers of Jesus. They coordinate Sunday school for all ages, our June weekend at Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, Children’s Sunday and church picnic (June), Christmas Pageant, Education Sunday (September), and working with our church librarians.  

Worship Committee seeks to faithfully foster our congregational worship life.  We steward the variety of gifts people bring rather than trying to do everything ourselves. The committee meets 7-8 times a year to develop ideas for future themes and emphases, to review past worship, and to plan for both ordinary time and special times like Christmas and Easter.

Outreach & Service Committee connects us with our neighbours across the street and around the world. They meet 4 or 5 times a year and organize projects like MCC kits and other MCC fundraising, and special speakers for Mission Sunday and Peace Sunday in the fall. They raise awareness of various organizations who do good work we can support. This committee also needs someone to act as an MCC & MDS representative, to be aware of those organizations and communicate with HMC.

Pastoral Care Team is a group of people that meets regularly with our pastor to nurture the spiritual and physical welfare of the congregation. They care for people through prayer, visits, conversations, meal and ride schedules, and by leading in rituals like communion and baptism. 

Building Committee looks after the building, either fixing things themselves, finding volunteers or contracting out.  They attend to the physical and mechanical aspects plus insurance, accessibility, capital reserve fund etc.  Building committee meetings are rare; they are active folks!

Fellowship Committee encourages a sense of community and friendship at HMC. Their responsibilities include overseeing summer potlucks and the Sunday morning coffee schedule.  The committee hosts social events and potlucks for the congregation and may assist other committees with various activities as requested.