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This fall at HMC we have a couple of special, but now annual, opportunities to connect with and support the work of Mennonite Central Committee.

This fall we will donate as many MCC Relief Kits as we can collect as a church. They each cost about $60 for all of the necessary supplies. Donations of money will be gratefully received (labelled "MCC kits" in the offering), and shoppers will be sent to buy the supplies in bulk. If you would like to do the shopping yourself (or with friends or family), find the list of ingredients here. On October 1, we will spend some time putting each kit together with love in the children's Sunday school time. Get in touch with the Outreach & Service Committee with any questions.

On September 30, our HMC team "Outspoken for Peace" will ride in its 6th year of the Ride for Refuge, raising money for MCC's work of refuge and hope for uprooted and vulnerable people across the province of Ontario. Join or donate to our team at! Talk with Captain Tom or any other team member to find out more.