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Hamilton Mennonite Church is part of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada. We are one of 106 congregations that bring an abundant tapestry of gifts to our shared table. At our 2022 Annual Church Gathering, delegates and MCEC staff were grateful that so many of us could gather together in one space after so many online-only connections. Lots happened that weekend. We approved a budget, we welcomed 6 new congregations to our MCEC community of faith, we worshipped and we learned. As a delegate body, we also approved a new Identity Statement and Priorities for us to live into as a regional church. Read it below (or at this link), consider, and name: What could it look like to live into these new statements?


Mennonite Church Eastern Canada is a diverse community
    Transformed by the love of God
         Inspired by the hope we find in Jesus
              Called to action by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that God is calling Mennonite Church Eastern Canada to be an Anabaptist Mennonite church; a covenanted partner in Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite World Conference. This is a continuation of a historic tradition that emphasizes: Jesus is the centre of our faith; community is the centre of our life; and reconciliation is the centre of our work. As a community of congregations, we seek to join God’s mission in the world, encouraging all to respond to God’s gift of love revealed in Jesus, as described in scripture.


We come together as a regional church to:

  • Energize congregations in worship, discipleship and mission
  • Encourage leaders of hope, vision and transformation
  • Embody God’s reconciling ministry for all creation


Beloved-ness – All people before God are equal and have dignity, created in God’s image.
Spirituality – Worship and prayer ground us in God's love and connect us to the Spirit’s movement.
Transformation – We are curious to see what God is doing in our lives and in the world. We are open to change.
Community – We grow, learn and serve best in relationship with others, listening for God together.
Hospitality – Everyone is welcome at God’s table of grace.
Peace and justice – We are living into God’s Shalom for all creation.

Our identity, purpose and values come together in the vision we hold nationwide as Mennonite Church Canada:
God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as
communities of grace, joy and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

Priorities for 2022-2027

  • Navigating Change: Fostering a culture of learning, innovation and adaptability to equip the church to navigate a season of change. This includes exploring new expressions of following Jesus and being church together.
  • Developing Leaders: Strengthening leadership and forming faith, equipping individuals to pursue their vocations of church planting, pastoral ministry and lay leadership.
  • Intergenerational Discipleship: Collaborating with congregations and ministry partners in support of intergenerational discipleship and faith formation, and engaging youth and young adults in leadership development opportunities.
  • Embracing Diversity: Inviting and challenging the church to explore the variety and richness of God’s people. This will require transformation of our hearts, minds, policies and structures as we live out our calling to be a diverse, inclusive and intercultural church body.
  • Seeking Peace and Justice: Supporting and resourcing congregations to engage peace and justice issues, grounded in Anabaptist-Mennonite theology. Indigenous-Settler relationships, climate action, building intercultural competence and undoing racism are focus areas for this time.