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Dare to imagine...
A chance to stay in school

Every Advent, HMC chooses a special project to inspire some extra giving through the season.

**Update** HMC gave an amazing $2,664 for our Advent Giving Project this year! Thanks to everyone who helped us put 88 ornaments on the tree.

As we seek to stretch our imaginations and open ourselves to all that God makes possible, we remember that children are often our best models for daring to imagine! So our Advent Giving Project is an investment in kids and an effort to imagine a brighter future for kids around the world. We will support an MCC project that gives at-risk girls new chances to overcome the obstacles they face and to succeed in school. In Lebanon, tutoring, lessons in self-esteem, and care from social workers help Syrian refugees and others to learn and grow. Find more ideas from MCC for your own Christmas giving here.

Until 4th Advent (December 19), you can bring your donations in person or donate by mailed cheques, e-transfers, pre-authorized giving, and through CanadaHelps (select "Advent Giving Project" from the dropdown list). Click here for more details on giving through HMC. 

For every $30 donation, HMC kids will add one ornament on the HMC Christmas tree!